Artwork for Exquisite corpse

It is interesting to see how this stuff comes together. Throughout te project I found it difficult to find which images to use and where to place them.

3 thoughts on “Artwork for Exquisite corpse”

  1. You did a good job masking around the edges– what’s visible reminds me of exploring an old attic with a flashlight. Because of its size, your focal point contains the perfect number of images for an audience to spot relationships.
    The grandfather clock might suggest that the worker bee is busy around the clock, or its golden pendulum may allude to the back-and-forth motion of a hovering bee. Adding the poem “The Bells” to the mix (behind the bee), your collage can represent the circle of life: someone goes through the same motions, working throughout their lifetime until it’s over, but life goes on outside of theirs (the negative space that we’re not focused on).
    Sorry to get all existential… I just mean that I like the lighting effects and what you chose to emphasize!

  2. Your work is really good. to me it looks like a spot light pointed on the flowers. I think it looks excellent.

  3. I found placing the images difficult as well. Your final work is really good. Like Laquana mentioned, it does look as if the light is shining on the flowers.

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