A Russian Pop Music Blog From ….

I know it’s another foreign language example, but … I do like this Far from Moscow blog which combines audio, picture and photos to get you the latest info on the Russian pop music scene.

This is a totally Web 2.0 design, but from a usability perspective, it has some features which help you navigate the site if you’re new to Russian pop music. First, I appreciate that a Front Page link is included – there really are a lot of people out there who aren’t familiar with clicking the logo to return to the front page.

Second, I do like the categories links on the side (it also works with tags). Who knew there was Russian reggae? A third feature of note is that there are static tutorial Pages with information about the Web site, links to labels and other information. Again, if you’re a new to the world of Russian pop music…you may know where to get a basic primer. Finally, the entries themselves are written with the general audience in mind. Many include a short intro to the artist as well as links to audio clips.

This is a good example of how a blog can introduce you to the basics of a topic, then keep you updated in little ckunks (did anyone say “Just in Time Learning”).

The biggest surprise of all….it’s sponsored by the UCLA Slavic Department (specifically David MacFayden). It’s really great to see an Web site from an academic that really understands how to deploy the new tech!

P.S. There’s some good music on here. I have no idea if it’s on iTunes.

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