Let’s Get Started

Plants, what would our world be without the plants that grow all around us. Simply put, our world would be nothing, we wouldn’t even be alive … let’s all give the plants a quick thank you! Our outside world is composed of over 350,000 plant species, so why should we leave all the plants outside? We shouldn’t!

Hopefully, by now you are invested and ready to get your first houseplant! But you may be wondering where to start. Let me introduce you to the first four, as I call them, but they could also be described as easy plants for beginners.

Let’s start simple, Sanservieria Trifasciata. That doesn’t sound too simple does it, well good thing its nickname is the snake plant! This lovely lady will do well in just about any light you have, full sun or partial shade. The snake plant is the perfect companion for anyone who is not too good at remembering to do chores, as she can do well without water for quite a while. Although the snake plant is a slow grower, it is an easy plant to propagate. As if the easy care of the snake plant wasn’t enough, she will also absorb harmful chemicals out of the air, how great!

Maybe you are looking for your first plant to be a little bit more than just a plant! If that is the case, look no farther than aloe vera. Yup you heard that right. That stuff you put on your sunburn, it’s a plant. And you can grow it yourself! Similar to the snake plant, aloe can reside in full sun or partial shade. She also requires less watering than a typical houseplant. You may be wondering … “how does a plant turn into a gel?” Well, it is quite simple! When you are ready to make aloe for your skin, cut off a piece, split it in half, and scoop!

Honestly, I do not think there is an easier plant to take care of than the spider plant: scientifically known as Chlorophytum Comosum. When I tell you that this plant can truly hang on its own, I am not kidding. I mean seriously, these plants do fabulous in a hanging pot! They only need partial shade, so a corner is a great place for them to thrive. Once again, we are following a trend, not much water is needed for her either. You could truly forget you even had a spider plant for a whole month. When you remember her, she will be there for you with open arms and looking just as good as she did on day one! Unlike the snake plant and the aloe vera, the spider plant has a great bonus. She grows quick! Yup, you heard it here. If you are in need of plant validation, the spider plant is the choice for you!

As always, we save the best for last! The Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, better known as, the ZZ plant. Not only is this plant a fast grower and one of my all-time favorite plants, but she is also an easy-going companion. Let’s continue the trend of barely needing to be watered from the snake plant to the aloe vera to the spider plant all the way to the ZZ plant. Unlike the fast-growing spider plant and the slow-growing aloe and snake plant, the ZZ plant sprouts new stems. Beautiful light green leaves unravel from the stem as they mature. They soon turn into the glossy dark green leaves that the ZZ plant is filled with.

Well, there you have it! Four of the easiest house plants to take care of, not only from the information on the greater web but from personal experience too!! So, what are you waiting for … go buy your first plant!

2 thoughts on “Let’s Get Started

  1. njc5812 says:

    As someone who considers himself afflicted by the green thumb, it is great for me to see another taking such interest in botany. I brought my cactus, spider plant, money tree, and amaryllis with me to Penn State, so I completely understand your enthusiasm for plants. I too have found that aloe makes for a fantastic, low maintenance addition to any indoor space. I am excited to see what other plants you can teach us about, and I will likely find myself in search of them to brighten up my dorm.

  2. oec5030 says:

    While I never got into the plant or botanical ideas, my mom and grandma are huge into it. To be honest, the Aloe plant has saved me a few times, as I was stubborn on wearing sunscreen sometimes growing up and aloe was there to save me. Maybe at some point I will get some type of plant for my dorm room or future apartment to decorate, and definitely I would take one of your suggestions as I wouldn’t wanna have to water it and pay attention to it every day.

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