That feeling. You know the one I’m talking about, the one that sits deep in your stomach, creeps up into your throat, and makes you feel like you need to sit for a while. When the world seems to consist of a never-ending to-do list and the words “I’m really busy” that epitomize the American work/school culture fall from your lips far too often. You feel like life just consist of running around from place to place, whether it’s class to class or to doctor appointments or soccer tryouts or the grocery store. The never-ending hustle consumes your daily reality. There’s never any me-time or time to do what makes you happy. And the worst part is, most of what is written above is not far from the truth.
Except for one thing.
You can do what makes you happy, even in the busiest parts of life when you feel most overwhelmed, if you choose to manifest those opportunities. If you choose to find what works for you. This blog is not about forcing an overly optimistic or superficial view of happiness. It’s about an exploration into finding and pursuing the moments that spark a zest for life. It’s about the little things.
In everyday, there are 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds. That is a fact, that is something you cannot control and nobody else can either. But what you can control is what you do with them. A lot of life falls into categories of what we can control and what we cannot control, and for more information on this distinction, Skilled At Life provides relatable examples that fall into both categories. So, knowing this, I think first in terms of what I cannot control, or what I must budget in time for, and define my parameters. I must eat, sleep, maintain proper hygiene, fulfill my academic responsibilities, fulfill my extracurricular commitments, and maintain a fulfilling social life to the best of my abilities. With that established, I am free to consider what I can control. Because in this world, everyone is busy and has commitments and not enough time and is stressed and talks about the fact that they are stressed. I make the argument that what can add great value to the quality of life is found in the little moments, the seconds that you can control and are free to experience.
What do you do with the minutes right after you wake up and are held responsible to only yourself?
What about the minutes when you’re in the shower and no one’s asking you to fill out lecture notes or study?
The minutes before you turn out the lights and go to bed, when you finally have some me-time?
The following posts in this blog will surround strategies, mindsets, ideas, and simple things in life that add to my quality of life and are things I am able to do in some way, shape, or form if I try even in my busiest times. I would encourage you to try out some of the suggestions for what makes my day and I more strongly encourage you to try and find your own. I acknowledge that my means of attaining happiness might be unique to me and not work for everyone. But regardless, the main point is that everyone is deserving of their own happiness, and it is a worthwhile endeavor to always strive to create a life that you love living.
I find that your blog is extremely relevant to me and probably most college students alike. I was actually nodding my head while reading the beginning thinking about how busy I feel in college. This makes your blog effective because your readers will definitely see the relevance of your posts if they can relate to them. In terms of content, I don’t have many suggestions because it definitely seems like you’re headed in the right direction in terms of relevance and effectiveness. But in terms of formatting, you may want to try breaking up some of the bigger paragraphs into shorter ones so that it is easier to read. Overall, I found your post really interesting!