© 2023 egj5076

Unit 2 Beginning

I’ve been trying to mull over a few ideas for the Unit 2 projects, and I am pretty sure I am going to go with political campaigns and how they have changed over time. 

This was one of the first things I thought of just because of how intense the political climate has gotten in recent decades, and this is also my primary interest as I am majoring in Political science. 

I also considered highlighting a shift in fashion and how standards have moved from highly modest to intensely revealing in the current day. However, I think I am going to stick to the political example. 

I would likely start with early campaigning which was pretty much none. Politicians rarely outwardly/publicly campaigned in the beginning stages of the nation and government. Then I would move into the start of campaigning with little jingles and lighthearted things that bolstered the candidate. Lastly, I would transition into current times when campaigning has been refocused into intense mudslinging and smear campaigns against the opponent, along with “me or nothing” ideologies. 

For each of these time periods, I will choose artifacts that highlight minimal campaigning, such as the small slogans used by the first few presidential candidates. Then I would likely use material from the 20th century and the shift in the 1960s that led to televised debates and commercials. Lastly, I would choose artifacts from recent elections that show intense mudslinging against other candidates. 

I think this is a great shift to highlight and is crucial to our country’s political history. 

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  1. Elizabeth
    Posted October 13, 2023 at 1:43 pm | #

    I really enjoyed how you chose the change of political campaigns. It is. an intense event that can turn chaotic fast. As for fashion, I think that is another great artifact. Fashion has evolved and changed throughout the years to something unique and beautiful.

  2. Om Patil
    Posted October 16, 2023 at 5:19 am | #

    Political campaigns is definitely a great subject to analyze based on how much they have changed over the years and even relatively recently. I think highlighting 20th-century material would be a great idea. You could also discuss party realignment in the 1960s section, it would fit in well.

  3. Jake Eubanks
    Posted October 18, 2023 at 3:58 am | #

    This is definitely a great subject to interpret due to how much the concept of a presidential campaign has evolved over the years. I think comparing the 20th-century campaigns to the ones now would be extremely effective as well.

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