Stacked Juries Disrupt Justice

To those who don’t know, I plan for the overarching theme of my civic issue blogs to be struggles faced by defendants in the United States criminal justice system. Continuing on from my last blog post on the crises in public defenders’ offices across the country, I want to discuss and analyze the issue of […]

The Public Defense System is Broken

For my first civic issue blog, I would like to talk about the ongoing struggles public defenders face in the United States. Though this is an issue with little publicity, it stood out to me because of its inherently civic nature, connection to government and the constitution, and sweeping effects on other areas of the […]

The Bond of Brothers | Sonny’s Blues

Hi everyone! I’m going to pick up this week’s blog post by continuing our discussion about Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin. The focus of this week’s blog post is the name-sake character of the story, Sonny, and how his brotherly relationship with the narrator is directly intertwined with the events that take place in the […]

The Infamous Iago | Othello

The next work of literature I’m going to discuss on Too Long Didn’t Read is a Shakespeare classic: Othello. From the infamous Iago to the symbolic handkerchief, the lines of Othello were by far the most captivating of any Shakespeare play I had to read in high school. In today’s blog post particularly, I want […]

Macon Dead and Pilate | Song of Solomon

This week’s blog post will mirror last week’s topic, as I’ll still be discussing the significance of names in Song of Solomon. However, instead of discussing how names empower individuals and communities, I will discuss how names can also disempower and isolate people. Toni Morrison’s novel is the perfect piece of literature to discuss these […]