C3. The teacher uses data from his/her own classroom teaching to evaluate his/her own strengths and areas for improvement.

Evidence: Lesson Reflection

Justification: This standard states that the teacher evaluates her strengths and weakness to better her teaching practices. Understanding our own strengths and weaknesses allows us to improve future lessons.

In order to better support students, teachers must reflect and critique their lesson plans and teaching style. As teachers, it is our job to support students in a way that works for them. By being aware of our own strengths and weaknesses, we can better accommodate to theirs. If we meet our students where they are, and our students meet us where we are, we can become a better classroom community.

After each lesson I teach, I make sure to reflect on the process of preparing and teaching the lesson. This allows me to see where I am lacking, and where I could better support my students. When I first started teaching lessons, it was very helpful to reflect on my teaching process because I wasn’t familiar with my students’ needs. Once I reflected several times and made note of how I could support my students, the content in my lessons seemed to make more sense to them. I still believe in the important of reflecting and use previous reflections to help me prepare for future lessons. I have learned a lot about the preparation and teaching process through reflecting.

I believe this piece of evidence meets this standard in three ways:

  1. This reflection highlights the areas I believe I am strong in and the areas I believe need improvement.
  2. It shows that I am learning how to better support my students while I am teaching.
  3. I am able to use this reflection to help prepare for future lessons.