Welcome back to the Law of The Land. In order to make my blog a little less dull, I have decided to change things up a bit this week. Rather than following my usual “strictly-law” theme, I thought I would take a slight detour and examine an infamous crime. In particular, I will be discussing the heinous case of Earl Bradley, which took place in my boyfriend’s hometown.
In case you have never heard his name before, Earl Bradley is a former pediatrician from Lewes, Delaware. Educated at Temple University, Bradley completed his residency in Philadelphia, PA and was later appointed the position of Chief of Pediatrics at Beebe Medical Center in Sussex County, DE. He later opened is own practice under the name of BayBees Pediatrics, where he maintained a great reputation as one of the area’s most respected pediatricians; parents believed that Bradley got along great with children, which is often why they would take him to his office.
However, there was a side of Earl Bradley that they did not know about. Throughout his career, there had been multiple accusations of child sexual abuse made against the pediatrician by parents and nurses. These accusations date all the way back to 1995 when he was completing his residency. In one instance, a mother entered the room to find him with his hand shoved down her two year old daughter’s diaper. She reported this to the police immediately, and the hospital performed a brief investigation before deciding that there was not “sufficient evidence” to validate the mother’s claim. With this,the case was dropped and his medical license was still in tact; shortly after, Earl packed up and fled to the rural beach town of Lewes.
In Lewes, he was estimated to have seen more than 6,000 young patients over the next fifteen years. His practice was decorated with many child-oriented toys and activities, including a small Ferris Wheel outside. Outwardly, he was ‘the dream Pediatrician’. On the other hand, he had dark and deviant desires. Secretly, he would lure select patients into the basement with stuffed animals then abuse them brutally and sexually. He did this until he was caught in 2010, a revelation that filled many Sussex County parents with absolute horror as they learned the truth about Earl Bradley and his horrible practice.
Pediatrician Earl Bradley had exploited at least 103 (102 girls and 1 boy) children, some as young as three months old and as old as thirteen years old. Not only this, but the police found video evidence of his crimes in his house after obtaining a warrant. This evidence included 13 hours of footage of Bradley filming himself chasing and sexually abusing his victims. Many of the acts were extremely violent; in some, the victims were blue and about to black out as he forced them to perform oral sex on him and choked them. In others, he was shown terrorizing children that screamed in diapers.
After all of this, Bradley still tried to plead not guilty. He criticized the police department for not correctly specifying the location in their obtained warrant, and and even tried to appeal to his charges. Although he was to originally be indicted in Sussex County, there would have been too many adults connected to victims in the city on jury; with this, they moved his trial to New Castle, Delaware. His bench trial took only a day, and on June 23rd, 2011, he was indicted of 471 charges of molesting, raping, and exploiting child patients. He was sentenced to 14 life sentences, and he was to originally serve them in the Delaware State Prison. However, the Department of Corrections recognized his impact on the victims and local Delawareans, some of who were serving their time in the facility, and decided it was necessary to move him out of Delaware.
Earl Bradley is currently incarcerated at the Cheshire Correctional Institution in Connecticut, where he will spend the rest of his life unable to hurt another child.
eel5204 says
Now, this. This is a read. I honestly wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into at the, “Professional Pedophile”, part, but I was here to read. Well done, well researched, and just all around good.
rmh5955 says
I agree with the comment above. Crazy! Truly terrifying that someone can be this messed up and commit all those crimes. It’s scary when you wouldn’t think it would be someone like a pediatrician, but you never know. Great job providing background information and making it an interesting read!
michelle collier says
As I remember the case , he had partners at his practice. They knew he took kids downstairs , yet stated they never went down to the basement to look. I call bs. They should have been held just as accountable as he was. The were medical doctors who just kept the wall of silence.
Douglas S says
I truly believe that this son of a bitch should have been castrated!
Marti Quinn says
I heard about this from a psych nurse and thought this was an interesting read. When I heard about him and what he had done I looked him up. What I would have liked to have seen was how Beebe and some of it’s medical staff and administration covered it up. They knew about it and did NOTHING until it became public knowledge.
Sharen Simns says
This is such a shame. These poor kids are traumatized, I’m sure, for the rest of their lives. I hope these families got compensated for the hell he put them through.
Mary says
Not to my knowledge have any of the children he hurt received any compensation. I personally know at least 4 children whom were in his videos. Thankfully with great family around them most are doing well for themselves. Also yes BeeBe hospital did kind of sweep his behavior under the rug, my mother worked there at this time in their lab at the hospital. He was the most trusted pediatrician they had until this came out. Their pediatrics dept is essentially dead now due to what happened. This whole event still haunts the entire area.
Kayleigh E says
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Every patient was compensated in one way or another. Assuming their parents filed the paperwork. The biggest victims received 100’s of thousands of dollars. Others have medicine directly related to the trauma covered.
Steve says
For many years I was skeptical about the existence of heaven and hell. That all changed when… well, To make a long story short, I had a supernatural encounter with a demon. I actually recorded the demon and it can be seen on YouTube under “Steven Blum only God can help us” bottom right corner of the screen. I mention this because at one point during this period I actually heard the sounds of Satan and hell. I always doubted hell was a real place. I heard the wails of people “how was I supposed to know?”, “I want to talk to God!”. (To which Satan replied, “I am your god”). It was very disturbing and I was left with no more doubts. I realize this is all hard for anyone to believe but that’s not important. I don’t believe it. I now know it. You can take a look at the supernatural footage I have posted and hear me when I tell you that as sure as you are viewing the impossible, so I heard the impossible and I can assure you that a reckoning awaits us all. That being said, every time I see cases of child molesters and murderers and heinous criminals I think about the very real spot in hell likely awaiting them. Some of these monsters, like Albert Fish, must have already been in hell a long time. I don’t know the criteria for condemnation. I have done some bad things in my life but never anything truly evil.. I am not as quick to judge people now. I only pray that God will know my heart, know that I was always on the side of good and when I was evil it was for a fleeting moment. But these people like this fella above live their lives in complete evil. I don’t understand how they have no fear of the consequences. Perhaps, like I once did, they doubt the existence of hell. If you’re reading this, take a stranger’s word for it. Believe me when I say there is a Satan and he doesnt have love for anyone. To paraphrase the Quran, the inmates of hell have some who did the devil’s bidding in order to gain favor with him. When exposed to the fires they say ,”I thought you would shield us from a portion of the flames” to which Satan responds “get your share of the fire”… Love each other. There can be nothing unholy in the kingdom of heaven. Pray for God’s mercy and be humble. Or at least try. All the best…
Kayleigh E says
“In order to make my blog a little less dull, I’m gonna use the trauma of a bunch of kids and parents.” I was one of his patients from a newborn until I was 9 years old. You’re not the first person to use this disgusting “story” as clout. Another girl wrote a book about it. Victims have died and suffer from drug abuse due to what they experienced. With the money they received from this case. You and that other girl aren’t directly related to the case in any way. “It was my boyfriend’s hometown” SHUT UP. You two have zero right to be writing about this for your own gain. Let alone making it about yourselves in any way. It’s extremely inappropriate and vial.