Professional Athlete’s Salaries
The debate over how much professional athletes should be paid is one that will likely rage on forever. Many people see these pro athletes simply playing a game and somehow they get paid more than doctors who save people’s lives and the president of the United States who runs the entire country. While this often seems the case, many people see the hard work and dedication that these athlete put towards their craft, a work ethic that is comparable to that of a doctor or the president. Both of these sides have valid arguments but ultimately, these athletes are always going to be making ridiculous amounts of money and people will always have strong opinions about it.
Although I have a tremendous love for sports, I sit here and look at the contracts that athletes have, making 20 or 30 MILLION dollars a year… a sum of money that is larger than I will likely ever make in my entire lifetime. On top of that, student loans and mortgage payments haunt my future and I am sure I will look at the money those athletes make and see it as even more unfair. Now if we look at some statistics, this situation seems to be even more unfair. The highest paid doctors make just around $500,000 a year and the highest paid astronaut at NASA makes just over $100,000 a year. Both of those are a nice chunk of change but then we take a look at the lowest paid player basketball player on the Chicago Bulls in 2012 made $850,000. Now this player probably never even played in a game. He got paid to sit court side at 82 basketball games a year. Seems unfair by the fact that I am going to work my butt off for the next 40-50 years and I still may or may not be paying back student loans.
Now we can sit here and complain about the amount of money that these athletes make all day long, but in the end, we the fans are the ones that dictate how much these athletes make and we continue to increase their salaries constantly. We are the ones that mindlessly hand over 100 plus dollars for a ticket to any professional sports game. We are the ones that empty our pockets on overpriced Β licensed hoodies and gear along with the craziest concession prices that are often hard to believe, but that still never stops us. If we stopped buying these overpriced and decided that these things were not worth what they are charging, big sports franchises would have no choice but to ultimately lower their prices which in turn would devalue sports and the amount of money that these professional athletes make.
Now many people completely agree and are fine with the amount of money that athletes make. While people think they are just out there playing a game, their job entitles a lot more and it is hard to put a monetary value on the things they do that are not just playing the game. There is no way to put a price on the inspiration that these athletes provide to children and people and show them that they can achieve their dreams and can even make their job someday something that they love to do and are passionate about.
Another argument for why these athletes should be making this crazy amount of money is that these guys truly put their bodies on the line to provide us entertainment. The surgeries and recoveries and physical therapy plague the lives of many players and end up being a chronic problem for them for the rest of their lives. This money to some people offer up suitable compensation for the risk that these people take simply in order to entertain us. These issues that haunt athletes for the rest of their lives may make it difficult for athletes to find another job after their athletic career. The career of an athlete only last an average that is just around 10 years where the average person can work till they are in their 70’s.
In my opinion, I do not know how much money pro athletes should be paid. Like we said before, there is really no way to value what athletes add to society. Many people think that athletes do not work as hard as they do as they are just playing a game but I know these athletes devote just as much time to their craft as any profession does. What they do is not easy and they make so much money because not just anyone can do what they do. I have a lot of respect for what they do but at the same time, the contracts that are being dealt out today seems crazy, Earning 30 million dollars each year seems ridiculous but who am I to talk when sports are a huge part of my life and I am one of those idiots that drops hundreds of dollars on tickets and merchandise.
hi poo poo head
Athletes are paid wayy more than doctors, which I think is not fair at alπ‘
sup dawg
Athletes are paid wayy more than doctors, which I think is not fair at alπ‘
I agree my bestie named M!!! π
Hi my bestie named π
So nice to see you again my bestie named M!!!!!!!!
The fact that they earn $30 million every year is crazy.
All sports athletes do is kick/throw a ball and run around and they get paid more than people who actually help us. Whoever pays them is the TOTAL opposite of smart.
wat is ur name
My name is M, hbu?
Name is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!!!!!
Do u have a short form for abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz??
Yes it is Name id :). That means I am Name is :)! I tricked you bestie!!!!!
That was so mean
Athletes are paid more than the president!π²
This is VERY VERY VERY bad!π‘
ikr, so true
frick this world and these athletes. They are not even entertaing. Like doctors are saving lives while athletes are playing like little kids, and yet these stupid idiot athletes are payed more. Like, frick u athletes, you don’t deserve this much money.
U don’t have to be that rude about it
Yes I do, they deserve it.
Although it really isn’t fair that athletes are paid way more than the president. The president has to work really hard to become the president. They have to put a lot of work into being president while athletes just have fun playing their favorite sport to have fun! And they earn money for doing THAT!
Do you agree bestie?????
Hello bestie!! I am using a different name now!!!
I change my name bestie!!
I wanna change my name again
Ok bestie
I have to use your name for this comment bestie. Sorry :). I just wanted to say again that athletes are paid too much money.
shut the hell up