TED Talk Reflection
I found this assignment much more difficult than the rhetorical analysis speech. Rhetorical analysis is a subject I have been studying since high school, and I am sure a lot of peers can relate. Since I am more familiar and practiced with rhetorical analysis, it went a lot smoother than the paradigm shift TED Talk. I had never heard of a paradigm shift until class, and although it was fascinating it was difficult to wrap my head around. I felt that my speech was well organized, however, it was much more complex than my rhetorical analysis speech. It was also longer, and I looked down at my paper for reference of data and quick facts quite frequently. It went very well, but there is a lot more I need to improve on.
Ideas for A History of a Public Controversy Public
For our history of a controversy, I have a few ideas. We could do something modern but, I think something historical would be a lot more interesting. The war of Vietnam is a great topic, it was very controversial and the first time war was advertised and judged by the public. Whether or not we had business fighting in Vietnam is still a controversial topic that is talked about today. Another historical controversy is the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The loss of innocent lives to end a war is a huge controversy. The death penalty is a modern controversy that would also make a fascinating topic. Privacy rights are also a big modern controversy I would be interested in doing.