
Qualitative and quantitative research are both means in which to collect data depending on the type of information one is attempting to discern.

Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data” in order “to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences” (1).

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing non-numerical data” (2)

In terms of market research, these methods are used for very different data collection; however, both are just as valuable in their own ways.

Qualitative Research: Methods, Advantages, and Drawbacks

Qualitative research focuses on people rather than numbers. It should be used to discern how individuals feel about your business and brand. This method of research can help a corporation define and analyze certain problems as well as learn about consumers values, beliefs, and opinions. Conducting qualitative research gives marketers a better idea of their target audience and the best way to market products to them (3).

  • Observations – Record what you see or hear. Often completed in an uncontrolled environment where subjects most likely are unaware that they are being observed
  • Interviews – Question a participant in a one-on-one setting
  • Focus Groups – Question a group of people and facilitate discussion
  • Surveys – Questionnaires with open-ended questions
  • Product insight – May bring to light previously unidentified issues or oversights regarding the product in question
  • Target audience insight – Allows marketers to gain knowledge about their target audience’s needs, wants, and behaviors. This information can aid in advertisements and product placement
  • New Ideas – Generates new ideas for products and various markets a business can enter
  • Ambiguity – Responses participants give could be interpreted differently depending on the researchers own biases and ways of thinking. This could make it difficult to apply the research.
  • Limited Generalizability – Most quantitative research is done with a small subject group due to ability to recruit participants and intensity of research. Given that, the results might not apply as precisely to the rest of the population.
Quantitative Research: Methods, Advantages, Drawbacks

Unlike qualitative research, quantitative research completely focuses on numbers. This type of research’s purpose is to give insight about important statistics regarding a business and its market. Since quantitative research utilizes numbers to analyze the data, it is statistically accurate (3).

  • Survey – Questionnaires with rating scales
  • Experiment – Control an independent variable to measure the effect on a dependent variable
  • Replication – Studies are easily able to replicate and verify results. This allows for multiple groups to be studied in order to check accuracy and generalizability.
  • Direct comparisons – Given there is no ambiguity surrounding results, they can be compared across cultures and time zones. This would give a business more insight regarding how their product/brand would perform in different markets.
  • Lack of context – Due to the fact that most studies are done in carefully constructed environments, results fail to take into consideration other contexts that might affect outcomes. Real consumers might act differently depending on their specific circumstances and personality
  • Narrow focus – Measurement procedures and predetermined variables might make a researcher overlook other relevant observations

Quantitative and qualitative research play an important role for marketers in terms of market research. Each give valuable insight into a business model in their own different ways. When deciding which research to conduct, marketers should take into consideration what question they are trying to answer.



  1. https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/qualitative-research/
  2. https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/quantitative-research/
  3. https://www.thehartford.com/business-insurance/strategy/market-research/quantitative-qualitative#:~:text=Whereas%20quantitative%20research%20asks%20short,and%20want%20to%20get%20some