How Real are the Men in Black?

Whenever people hear the phrase “Men in Black” they think of the movie with Will Smith but if you say it to a conspiracy theorist they think of a secret government organization.  That’s because the cult classic Men in Black directed by Barren Sonnenfeld was based off the infamous conspiracy.  Many people believe this conspiracy has grounds because of the existence of Area Fifty-One and past experience with UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). If you don’t know already, the Men in Black, also known as the MIB, are men from a secret government organization aimed at keeping the existence of aliens away from the public eye. They are typically bald, going as far as even not having eyelashes. All are required to wear a plain black suit and black fedora as to keep from arousing suspicion and to intimidate individuals. They speak in a very monotoned nature and never reveal their true identity. Some have reported them calling each other by identification numbers rather than name. The scariest feature about this organization is that there has only been a two recorded encounters, but, more on that later.

This theory began in 1947, when allegedly Harold Dahl said he had seen a few UFOs in the sky. He reported that he was on a boat and that one of the UFOs crashed into lake killing his dog and injuring his son.  Dahl then stated that two men in black had intimidated him and threatened him and his family if he ever spoke about the incident again. They even fogged up the photos Dahl had of the crash. Ever since then there have been incidents of these men in black appearing and threatening people if they speak about UFO encounters they had. For example, in 1968, Jack Robinson and his wife reported that they too were harassed by the MIB because Jack was a UFO researcher. They alleged that an agent from the organization would stand across the street and watch them and go through their belongings while they were away. After three days of harassment their friend decided to take a picture of the man making it one of two images of the MIB.

The most notorious encounter with the MIB happened recently on October 14, 2008. Shane Sovar, a hotel manager near Niagara Falls, alleged that he and a security guard from the hotel had seen a UFO from the hotel. Hotel staff then reported a few weeks later than two unidentified men had entered the hotel looking for both men who weren’t there at that time. After hearing about this Sovar reviewed his security camera footage and found that two unidentified men in black suits and fedoras did enter the hotel. Staff who had seen the two men reported that they also didn’t have hair anywhere on their face. However, others have looked at the video and stated that those men could be anyone and there wasn’t any evidence behind Sovar’s and the hotel staff’s claim.

Whether the MIB is an actual secret government organization is unknown, however, the fact that there are reported incidents of men in black approaching those who have allegedly come into contact with UFOs is frightening. Even if these incidents aren’t true they bring to light a very dark topic, the harassing of victims to remain quiet. This is a very real issue and happens with children and hate crime victims. So even if you don’t believe in this theory, by talking about it, you could reveal a bigger issue to the world; victim intimidation.

5 thoughts on “How Real are the Men in Black?”

  1. There are several accounts of these people or “shadow government” who try to control the worlds info on U.F.O.s

  2. Hello,
    I’m Inventor, Master Philosopher, Theoretician and Environ-Mental Profiler. 
    When I lived in US, in California in 2014, some strange things happened to me, like the encounter with a Man in Black. 
    When I came back to France, I decided to write a book about it, and to make a statement as philosophical as scientific about Aliens. 
    Its title is :
    “Why Aliens are somewhat Boneheads, at least, Stinkpots”. 
    Aliens and UFO are not fake or supernatural phenomenons.

    Scientific and philosophical treatise on the non officially listed beings, and their aberrant acts.

    Study, Analysis and Demonstration, Discussion with a Man In Black, Protocol for the revelation of Alien entities

    I really think you’ll learn several things by reading it. (Available on Amazon in paperback only).

    Surely, we are living a huge change since few years, and we have to change our behaviour about them, since, we are now in a decisive and serious phase of transition for Mankind.
    From now, we have to show an intelligent line and speech because most of published books about Aliens are, if not ridiculous, only wind, and do not bring anything, and even some are counter-productive. 
    We are on the same (right) page since we talk about them like we talk about anything else, naturally.  
    Anyway, their revelation is much more hard to set up, much more complicated to manage. 
    I don’t think it would be smart to do it. As for Human Earthlings, as for them. I suggest you to read my last chapter about it “Disclosure Protocol”.
    The risk is very, very, very high.
    I think that their revelation has to be done to a few people only, meaning the ones mentally able to bring something in the discussion, like us. The revelation has to be done a little by little.  

    Have a good day.

    Laurent A.C. GRANIER

  3. They do not necessarily dress in black, nor wear fedoras. But their suits are dark, which does not say much, as most suits are dark.
    They do not necessarily work for any government agency. They do replicate that modus operandi, however.
    They can morph time and physical objects. Things can appear and disappear, albeit generally right when you are not paying close attention to it.
    They appeared to Abraham and to Herod, as is recorded in the Torah and the Gospels.
    They are not sinister, per se; unless you yourself are the bar sinister, and you interpret the experience in that particular way. They are actually mor ambivalent, as far as right and wrong are concerned. We have freewill, after all. They just want us to make the right decisions, even though we generally will not.
    They seek out only those, who seek them. Their interaction with a seeker, is via the Eratapokreisis, with they assuming the role of the teacher.
    They have no control over you, which you do not freewill give to them.
    Their earliest known name, is They. The El — Elohim.

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