The Importance of Abortion Legislation
Each year, nineteen to twenty million abortions are had by individuals without the credentials needed to perform this medical procedure and/or in environments below medical standards. Women protesting for abortion legislation led to the passing of Roe v. Wade (1973) and the decrease in unsafe abortions. The recent overturning of this legislature causes great worry that the number of unsafe abortions will increase in the United States and, in turn, will raise the number of maternal death in the US. The state of Oregon currently has no laws restricting abortion; all other states in the United States should follow Oregon’s policies.
In 2020, Guttmacher reported 930,160 abortions nationally which is a one-and-a-half percent increase from 2019, where 916,460 abortions were reported. Abortions hit their peak in 1990 and have been on a steady decline since. Unsafe abortions remain one of the most neglected global public health challenges. Ninety-seven percent of unsafe abortions are done in developing countries. In addition, millions more of these women are faced with additional complications that are sometimes permanent. Some causes of death due to unsafe abortions include hemorrhage, infection, and poisoning. Legislation helps protect women seeking abortion and, in some cases, can save their life.
- What Oregon’s policies are
- How it is beneficial
- More on why other states should adopt these policies.