For my civic issue topic, I will be discussing abortion.
Abortion data in the United States of America mainly comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute. In 2020, the CDC reported 620,327 abortions in the District of Columbia and forty seven states. This is a one and a half percent decrease from the 629,898 reported in 2019. Guttmacher reported 930,160 abortions nationally in 2020, which is a one and a half percent increase from 2019, where 916,460 abortions were reported. Since 1973, Guttmacher reports more abortions annually. Abortions hit their peak in 1990 and have been on a steady decline since. The numbers reported only include abortions obtained in clinical settings and do not include abortions from using pills.
Roe v. Wade was a Supreme Court case in 1973. The decision argued against the state criminal abortion laws in Texas. The laws in place at the time said abortions were only allowed when it was a life-saving procedure for the mother. The court ended up deciding that it was the woman’s right to decide to terminate her pregnancy or not. It was decided that otherwise, it would violate the Due process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This protected state action the right to privacy, including if women can decide if they should or should not terminate their pregnancy. The findings of Roe V. Wade were “Women Have the right to abort pre-viability without undue interference from the state. The state may restrict abortion post-viability. The state has a legitimate interest in protecting the woman’s health and the life of the fetus” ( After the Roe V. Wade decision, forty six states needed to change their abortion laws which caused controversy.
According to the CDC, abortions are divided into two categories: surgical abortions and medication abortions. Medication abortions use pills. Fifty three percent of abortions use the pill, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2000. According to that administration, medication abortions are safe to use ten weeks into pregnancy. The other type of abortion, surgical abortions, are procedures done during the first trimester of the pregnancy. These procedures use a suction process, whereas the procedures are done in the second trimester use a process called dilation and evacuation. In 2020, ninety three percent of abortions were given to the woman in their first trimester, which is thirteen weeks before gestation. Six percent happened between the fourteen and twenty week period, and one percent occurred at or after the twenty one week mark.
The total number of abortion providers is steadily declining since 1982. In 1982 there were 2,908 abortion providers in the United States. In 2020 there were only 1,603. Abortion providers are divided into four categories: physicians’ offices, hospitals, abortion clinics, and other clinics. It was reported that in 2020, although abortion and other clinics only make up fifty percent of abortion providers, they provide ninety six perfect of all abortions given to patients. There are also regional differences for where there is a decline and increase in abortion clinics. Abortions clinics increased by eleven percent in the Midwest and by six percent in the West. The number of abortion clinics decreased in the Northeast by nine percent and three percent in the South.
With the recent overturning of Roe V. Wade and some states having stricter abortion laws, women in need of an abortion often travel to different states to obtain the procedures they need. In 2020, almost ten percent of all abortions were given to women in states different from the one they reside in. This is a decline from prior to 1973, when states still had the option to ban abortion.
Despite the recent overturning of Roe V. Wade, reproductive health care services, including abortion, are still accessible and legal in the state of Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, abortion is legal up until the twenty third week of the woman’s pregnancy and after that, only when the woman’s life is in danger. Surgical and medication abortions are still legal in Pennsylvania. In addition, Pennsylvania has an executive order “designed to protect persons seeking reproductive health care services and medical professionals offering those services from discipline in other states”. (,from%20discipline%20in%20other%20states.)
Most women who obtain an abortion are in their twenties. Fifty seven percent of women who obtain an abortion are in their twenties, thirty one percent are in their thirties, eight percent are teenagers, and four percent are in their forties. This disproves the narrative that mostly teenagers get abortions. Eighty six percent of women who gets an abortion are unmarried, according to the CDC.
In addition, there is a narrative that women use getting an abortion as birth control, which is not true for a majority of women. Fifty eight percent of women getting an abortion in 2020 it was their first abortion, twenty four percent their second, ten percent their third, and eight percent their fourth or higher. Also, only thirty nine percent of women having an abortion have had no previous births, twenty five percent had one, twenty percent had two, ten percent had three, and six percent had four or more births.
Although abortion access has been changing recently, there are still options to obtain an abortion if you are in need. It is not uncommon, although not convenient, to travel to a different state with different regulations to obtain the necessary medical procedure. Abortion is a controversial topic but is not uncommon, and women shouldn’t have to be ashamed for making the decision that they believe is best for them.
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