CI2: Case #1 of the Wrongly Accused

Imagine spending more than thirty years on Death Row for a crime that you did not commit. Has the justice system failed you? This is the story of Lester Bower, a man convicted in 1984 of murdering four men all of whom he had associated with but only to buy an ultralight aircraft. A constitutional […]

CI1: Death Penalty

Disclaimer: I admit to being bias towards my own political beliefs in my upcoming blogs. I do not mean to offend any other individual or miseducate. I am simply going to discuss these civic issues in upcoming blogs as if I were with a close friend. I am open to all feedback (preferably positive because […]

RCL #10: Contract

“Me Too” Movement Malisa Yin, Emma Davies, Liz Druschel, Kristin Sickau, Nora Tietjens, Eva Ragonese For our history of a public controversy movement project, we are going to investigate the controversial “me too” movement that has sparked conversation across social media these last few months. In our video, we will highlight the different opinions on […]

RCL #9: An Idea…

Introduction: The workplace has revolutionized the way in which businesses interact with their consumers, expand their companies, and ultimately thrive as brands. The evolution of wireless devices and connection has increased the mobility of companies by large percentages due to their increasing presence and usage in society. Wireless devices entertain the idea that business can […]

RCL #8: A Shift…

Introduction: Can you guess what cell phones, printers, and the internet all have in common in this day in age? The three items have all become wireless since their origination in the world. Modern-day society is dominated by wireless devices and can be found virtually everywhere you turn. Individuals of all ages own and operate […]

RCL #7: A Visual…

Addario’s It’s What I Do has the ability to strike readers’ emotions through not only her writing but the visuals she provides her audience. Taken alongside her experiences, these images allow the reader to form a visual of the true life of an American journalist during the war in Iraq. Addario often mentions her passion […]

RCL #6: Conflict…

The life of Lynsey Addario, as told in It’s What I Do, can ultimately be characterized by the hardships associated with being a woman in the journalism industry. Although Addario is able to push past the double standards associated with her career, the life and work that she continues remains heavily influenced by the nature […]

RCL #5: A Draft…   Introduction: Candles have increased individuals’ awareness of the common practice of aromatherapy through lines and collections found on shelves in stores such as Bath and Body Works and Yankee Candle. It is not a surprise that individuals today turn to this common practice as a means to cure common ailments such […]

RCL #4: An Outline…

Introduction: One of the most comforting items that I could not bring to college with me can be found in the homes of millions of individuals today. Offices, living spaces, apartments, and just about any livable space can be accompanied by these items because they bring comfort and serenity to all individuals in its path. […]

RCL #3: Angling The Narrative…

Addario’s It’s What I Do captured my attention in a manner that no other novel has, and I would like to address the importance of one of her most crucial writing strategies: angling the narrative. Throughout the second part of Addario’s novel, I remember feeling as if I had been given the option to empathize […]