
The First Empire Saved for Last

Image created with a cylinder seal, a relic from the Akkadian Empire. As this is my last Empire of the Week blog, I feel it would be appropriate to cover the earliest known empire in the entirety of recorded history: the Akkadian Empire. Founded by a single man, Sargon of Akkad, in approximately 2334 BC, […]

The Last Great Empire of the Near East

The Flag of the Ottoman Empire, bearing its distinct crescent and star. This week, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series in a dramatic 8-7 victory against the Cleveland Indians. What makes this game historic is that the last time the Cubs won was over 100 years ago in 1908. This was only six years before […]

The Empire Alexander Made Great

The Vergina Sun, a symbol of the Ancient Macedonian Empire. Throughout much of human history, there has been a cycle of empires falling and others rising to take their place. Before the Roman Empire conquered the Mediterranean theater, the Macedonian Empire was the top of the food chain. However, unlike the Romans after them, the […]

The Wrath of Khan

  A drawing of an early Mongolian flag; One of many similar blue and red designs. Empires throughout history are remembered for a variety of reasons, including architectural feats, masterful bureaucratic systems, and unique cultural traditions. The Mongols are remembered for all of these reasons (if you count really good tents as architecture), and, maybe, […]

The Halls of Montezuma

Aztec Calendar Stone used to predict solar cycles and indicate when religious ceremonies occurred. When, in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, he was searching for a trade route to Asia because of the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire, an event that effectively closed the silk road. When the intrepid Italian first explored the […]

When Muslim Mongols Ruled India

The Flag of the Mughal Empire. In the 16th century, Michelangelo finished the Sistine Chapel, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral, Machiavelli wrote The Prince, and many other important things happened in the Western world. However, although we never cover this in rushed AP History classes, another decisive […]

History Blog Analysis: Badass of the Week

From a young age, I have always been fascinated by history. I love watching documentaries, reading books and articles, and writing stories analyzing societies and events of the past that shaped the current world. In my search for interesting blogs that discussed epic happenings and individuals in history, I came across a blog titled Badass of […]

The Sun Never Set on the British Empire

The Union Jack, the flag of the British Empire and the present-day United Kingdom. Many empires throughout history have tried to conquer the world. From Napoleon to Alexander the Great, leaders pushed their armies and economies to the limit in campaigns to gain as much territory and power as possible. Although both of these men […]

All Roads Lead to Rome

The Imperial Eagle, a Symbol of the Roman Empire. SPQR stands for “Senatus Populusque Romanus” which means “The Senate and People of Rome.”        For my first post on this “Empire of the Week” blog, I feel obligated to cover the most widely known and culturally influential empire in history: The Roman Empire. […]

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