Atrocities of Acid Rain

I’m not one who would choose a rainy day over a sunny one. Never. I’ve always hated rainy days. They make me feel lethargic, gross, and more often than not, have me cooped up inside. Yet, I am thankful that where I am from, rain is just that… mostly just water from the sky. Yet other places and living creatures in this world are not so lucky. They face the harsh reality of having to deal with and accept Acid Rain… something that has so negatively affected our world and the animals that call it their home.

It is important to understand that rain in itself if a slightly acidic compound. However, fauna and flora on Earth is not negatively affected by this slight acidity. Acid Rain, however, is rainfall that has become overly acidic due to higher levels of nitric and sulfuric compounds in the atmosphere. These relatively high levels are caused by air pollution largely from the industrial burning of fossil fuels. It is notorious for causing environmental harm by destroying forests and lakes. The unnatural presence of acidic solution in these bodies of water in turn affects the wild life that consume or inhabit it.

Fish specie affected by acid rain and pH changes

Fish specie affected by acid rain and pH changes

Take a look at this short video describing the nature and properties of acid rain:


Although we in most of the United States are very lucky that we do not experience very high levels of acid rain, other places around the world are not so fortunate. Majorly affected areas include China, Taiwan, most of Eastern Europe, and Southeastern Canada. Even then, there are some regions in northeast U.S. such as the Catskill Mountains and mid- Appalachian Highlands that have been quite negatively affected by harmful acid rain.

The decreases in pH caused by the presence of acid in lakes and streams has significantly decreased biodiversity and causes serious harm to plants and animals around the world. Soil prone to acid rain is losing its buffering capacity and thus, more and more bodies of water are become increasingly acidic. We are at a risk of losing species of fish that are extremely sensitive to water acidity. Those aquatic species that are not necessarily killed by the increased water acidity may suffer in other ways such as losing reproductive abilities and suffering mutations. Additionally, the aquatic food chain has observed great disturbances as some species dwindle and others, as a result, starve.

Effects of Acid Rain 2

Although the most apparent effect of acid rain has been the drastic reduction of fish from lakes and streams, it does have an equally harmful effect on the surrounding flora. Acid rain strips away at trees’ natural defense systems and makes them more prone to diseases and pests. It has been cited as a contributing factor in the decline of spruce-fir forests in the Eastern United States. Additionally, acid rain increases the amount of nitrogen in forests, leading to nitrogen saturation. Although a sufficient amount of nitrogen is necessary for tree growth, and excess amount of nitrates leads to the removal of calcium and magnesium in the soil, two very important elements needed to maintain the sensitive nutrient balance in the forest ecosystem.

Effects of acid rain

We must learn how to reduce pollution emissions and reverse these horrendous effects before it’s too late.

2 thoughts on “Atrocities of Acid Rain

  1. cks160

    Acid rain is pretty nasty stuff. It destroys not only the natural, but even the works of humans. People don’t realize how much stuff acid rain kills. I’ve seen lots of barren plants and eroded sculptures damaged by acid… But this issue is part of the bigger global pollution. I heard a while ago that a third of San Francisco’s air pollution is from China. I have no idea if this is true, but it makes sense that global currents would carry some of that acidic rain here. There must be some action taken globally for any pollution to be reduced.

  2. skx5008

    Acid rain is not only devastating to the natural world but also harmful to human society. A by -product of industrialization, this corrosive rain can shred down buildings, historic monuments, and statues over time. Although Acid Rain does not directly affect our health, the particulates, such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide, which are responsible of increasing the acidity of the water droplets, are harmful to our body. These chemicals can lead to lung and heart problems, including asthma and bronchitis. I believe that there should be an international restriction on the emission in those industrialized areas. Furthermore, more government funding should be allocated towards research in green technology, such as energy-efficient cars. Every nation needs to collaborate and act soon as possible.

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