Getting Into Character Part: 1

Welcome back to Evan’s guide to DnD!  This week, we will begin to get into character.  This is a large topic in the game so it will be split up into parts over the next couple of weeks.  To start making characters, each player needs to have a character sheet.  This can be a formal character sheet that comes with the beginner DnD set, or just a plain sheet of paper to document your character on.

Step 1 of creating a character is to choose a race.  There are five races to choose from and they include dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans.  Each race comes with a group of special traits which should be documented on the character sheet.  Below, is a description of each race.


Dwarves can live to be 400 years old in their mines underneath the mountains.  Dwarves live in clans, or kingdoms, and they stick strongly to the customs and traditions of their ancestors, from whom, they have received their love for gems and precious metals.  Due to this love, many who choose to be adventurers tend to be motivated by the search for treasure.  Although for the most part they enjoy to live in the mines, those in other lands tend to be artisans and blacksmiths.  Dwarves often share many traits such as:

  1. Ability Score Increase – Constitution score increase of 2 (this will be discussed in further detail in future blogs).
  2. Age – Age – Dwarves mature at the same age as humans, but they are considered youthful up until they are 50 years old.
  3. Alignment – Dwarves tend to be lawful, good.
  4. Size – Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and are usually about 150 pounds.
  5. Speed – Base walking speed is 25 feet and heavy armor does not slow this.
  6. Darkvision – Dwarves have superior night vision due to their work in the mines.
  7. Dwarven Resilience – Dwarves have resistance to poison.
  8. Dwarven Combat Training – Proficient with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer.


Elves are beings of otherwordly grace and they usually dwell in ancient forests.  Elves who travel are often artists and sages.  Elves often spend there 700 year lives being curious rather than greedy.  They do not easily make friends or enemies, but they do hold both friendships and grudges.  Due to their long lives, elves are considered children until well past their 100th birthday.  On reaching adulthood, an elf chooses his or her own name.  Some specific traits for elves include:

  1. Ability Score Increase – Dexterity score increases by 2.
  2. Age – Elves mature around the same rate as humans, but they are not considered adults until they game world experience.
  3. Alignment – Often, elves are chaotic good.
  4. Size – Elves usually have a slender built and are between 5 and 6 feet tall.
  5. Speed – Base walking speed is 30 feet.
  6. Darkvision – Elves too have superior vision in the dark due to their time in the dimly lit forests.
  7. Keen Senses – Due to their keen senses, elves are quite perspective.
  8. Languages – Elves can write speak and read both the Elvish and the Common languages.

Due to the lengthy process of creating a character, we will end there for this week.  Next week, we will talk about the other two races (humans and halflings) and then we will begin to touch on character class.  Thank you for reading and see you next time as we continue our “campaign!”


10, Posted by BadEye Apr. “D&D Beyond.” Races, 10 Apr. 2017,

Crawford, Jermey, et al. Dungeons and Dragons Essentials Kit Rulebook.

2 thoughts on “Getting Into Character Part: 1

  1. Evan,
    Your knowledge about Dungeons and Dragons is so extensive and it really seems like you know all the details about the different characters to choose from. I feel like my brother would love this blog because he and his friends are obsessed with D&D. Though I have never played D&D, my only reference point is from Strangers Things but it cool to learn a little a bit about the game!

  2. This is such a cool blog post! Personally, I have never played the game but after reading about these characters and all the intricacies and the details of the characters, the game seems very interesting and I can’t wait to know more!

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