
Welcome back dungeon masters and players to your favorite guide blog to the mysterious world of Dungeons and Dragons.  Last week, we learned about the importance of the environment in which characters explore throughout the game.  Today, we will learn about some of the equipment that all players use to navigate the dangers of this… Continue Reading Equipment

The DnD Environment

Welcome back to everyone’s favorite DnD guide-blog! Last week, we discussed some vital rules within the game, but those rules would mean nothing without a setting for the campaign to take place in.  Today, we will talk about the environment in which the game takes place.  Often, the environment within the game dark and mysterious. … Continue Reading The DnD Environment

Character Classes

Character Class Welcome back dungeon masters and party members to Evan’s Guide to DnD!  This week, we will begin to talk about another lengthy topic: choosing a character class.  There are many classes in Dungeons and Dragons, but here we will talk about the five main ones which include bard, cleric, fighter, rogue, and wizard. … Continue Reading Character Classes

Introduction to the Greatest Fantasy Roleplaying Game!

WELCOME! Welcome to the dark and mysterious realm of Dungeons and Dragons!  Throughout this blog you will be sucked in to the world of fantasy roleplaying and you will be a part of the story.  You will learn how to navigate this complex game in order to become part of a campaign, or story-line of… Continue Reading Introduction to the Greatest Fantasy Roleplaying Game!