Introduction: Who is Enes?

Hi everyone,

I am Enes Gokce.

I am from Turkey. I am second year Ph.D student at Lifelong Learning/ Adult Education program.

I studied math teaching in undergrad. I did my my master’s on Adult Education at the University of Minnesota. I did six month volunteer ESL teaching at the Minnesota Literacy Council.

My research interest  is mobile learning. I want to understand how to use mobile learning opportunities in adult education. I want to gain deeper insight about how to integrate game mechanics to mobile learning applications.

I like technology, computers. I love read about technological developments. On the other hand, I like reading book. I am doing reading activities and book discussion with my friends. It is one of my favorite and time consuming activities. This semester I am doing book club with three different groups. I wonder if I can survive or not đŸ™‚

2 thoughts on “Introduction: Who is Enes?”

  1. It is so good to virtually meet you. Where are you from in Turkey? I ask only because I lived in Adana for six months in 1996 and traveled to Turkey as much as I could. As a chef, I love the food and treasure the one Turkish cookbook written in English I bought while I lived there. I look forward to our discussions.

    1. Vov! Cheryl, it is noce to meet you , too. What a coincidence! I am from Adana, the city of the Kebab.
      I am happy yo hear that you liked food. The best part is that once you order kebab in Adana, they bring you 3-4 different kind of salads and it is free!

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