Tesla and Why I Like it so Much

Is it for status? Is it for luxury? Is it for saving the earth? Buying Tesla has many different reasons for different people. However, personally, Tesla to me means the future. The future of society is not flying cars or hovercraft, but instead, the future is self-driving. The luxury of having your own chauffeur without the driver. To me, Tesla is as innovative as the Model T. A life changing product that will revert the course of history. A reversion from doom and gloom to a society of clean energy and high-quality cars. 

Model S | Tesla

A Tesla Model S https://www.tesla.com/models


Not only do I admire the outlook of Tesla on the way it will alter the future of the driving world, but I admire Elon Musk. I would consider Elon Musk to be one of my heroes. Someone who dropped out of college, and became a billionaire. Not because of luck, but because of hard work. I admire hard work and strive every day to become as successful because of hard work. In my life have been given some great opportunities, but it is what you do with those opportunities that define you. Not only that, Elon Musk has given a lot of his money to charity and is known to be a good human being. More than anything I want to be a good person.

ANALYSIS - Tesla future models | Automotive Industry Analysis | just-auto

Tesla Roadster concept https://www.just-auto.com/analysis/analysis-tesla-future-models_id180915.aspx


Tesla not only gives me a chance to be a part of the future but a part of a revolution. A revolution of people fighting climate change, and doing good f0r the world. Is every Tesla owner a great person? No. But personally, does it inspire me to be a better person? Yes. Every time see another person driving a Tesla I feel a sense of respect towards that person and I don’t even know them. Call me crazy, but good people think alike.


This entry was more of a personal anecdote, but I think it needed to be known as to why I enjoy Tesla so much. Someone can say they ” just like cars. But for me? No. I admire the brand of cars. A company. CEO. Tesla is so much more than a car company to me and for that, they will always be my favorite. In a similar fashion, many older people will only purchase a Ford because it is “American made.”


As always, thanks for tuning in and we will see you next week for a new entry.

One Comment
  1. I find it interesting that your draw the comparison between self-driving and the Model T, its a cool concept. I know very little of Elon Musk’s life story, only his presence in Tesla. Reading your blog has given me a much better sense of Musk as a person and the world he has created.

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