My study abroad experience took place between July 2nd and August 6th. During that time, I traveled to Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Veenhuizen in the Netherlands. I took two difference classes, CRIM 499 (Foreign Studies) and CRIM 406 (Deviance). While on both programs I had the opportunity to travel to prisons, court rooms, police stations, and many more amazing places.

This experience was so important to me because it was the first time I was able to see first-hand the impact that I will make in the future. On this trip I was able to meet people who had committed crimes, worked with people who had committed crimes, worked with people who had mental disorders, and many others who are involved in the profession that I am studying to enter. Over the course of this summer program I learned more than I have in most of my education, and visited more places that directly involve my future profession than ever before.

Before this program I had taken numerous classes at Penn State where I learned all about the criminal justice system. I took classes in policing, law, and racial issues. However, this experience allowed me to step away from the textbook and meet with real police officers, lawyers, and people who feel as though they have been discriminated against. This summer I saw the criminal justice system come to life. I saw the people who have been affected by this system, and people who work to better it every day. This study abroad experience allowed me to further the knowledge I already gained within my classes here at Penn State.

The main understandings I took away from this experience is things are not always black and white, there are numerous parts that affect one overall working system, and there is always room for improvement. By going on this trip, I was able to see and understand the differences between the American and Dutch criminal justice system, and while neither one is “right” or “better,” it showed me that there are different ways to go about solving an issue. In the Netherlands they approach crime and law and order in a very different manner than the American justice system does. This showed me that unexpected solutions can work under the right conditions. After graduation I plan on attending law school to become an attorney. Throughout the rest of my studies and time as a litigator I will carry the knowledge and experience I had the privilege of receiving abroad. I had the opportunity to meet so many different people, which allowed me to strengthen my communication skills. I also had the opportunity to debate with my classmates about current issues that are affecting the world we live in. During this debate I won the “Best Debater” award, which solidified that it is what I want to spend the rest of my life doing. Overall this experience has made me a better person, more knowledgeable student, and more open-minded future attorney.