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Engagement App Support

Need help getting started?

Check out our resources here.

Interested in a training session? Contact Brendan Bagley at for more information.


What should I do if I can’t log in?

If you are having trouble logging in, screenshot, or write down, the error code and email it to the Student Engagement Network at

When signing in, why am I seeing the message "The Engagement App wants to use to sign in"?

This sign-in is an additional authentication that is required by Apple for iOS devices to let them know about all authentication expereinces. No personal data tied to any user is leveraged outside the application.

How do I find an Engagement Experience?

You can explore available Engagement Experiences via the Discover Page, which can be found on the bottom navigation bar of the app.

How do I find what I have signed up for/shown interest in?

You can see what you’ve selected by clicking the following/interested buttons found on each Engagement Experience page: “My Events,” “My Orgs,” “My Research,” and “My Programs,” “My Shifts,” “My Internships”

What should I do if my selections are not retained by the Engagement App? (ex. The event you RSVP’d to does not show up on your “My Events” page)

If you do not see the selections you’ve made throughout the app, please submit feedback. Click the top right menu icon on the app to access the submit feedback button.

How do I upload an event?

You can upload an event by clicking the blue ‘+’ button on the top right corner of the Events page.

How do I message others?

You message others by clicking the message icon on the top bar on the homepage of the app.

Is the EApp being monitored for inappropriate content?

Yes. A team from the SEN and Navengage monitor the content within the app through a combination of proactive measures that prevent certain types of inappropriate material and reactive measures that address inappropriate content that appears in the app. Please review the Community Guidelines for posting.

What do I do if I see inappropriate content?

In the event you see inappropriate content, you can flag the content for review, or you can email and inform the EApp Team via email. For reference there is documentation detailing the Process for Monitoring and Reporting.