Big Bird: the enemy of America?

Given the events of last week’s presidential debate, I thought that I would talk about the pathos evident in Obama’s new anti-Romney ad against Big Bird. This 30 second commercial is too funny. I mean the gist behind it is bad, but I feel like this is something that Saturday Night Live would have produced. Anyways, the commercial definitely has an emotional appeal. The music in the background paints a gloomy scene. The comparisons of Big Bird to people such as Bernie Madoff, also makes fun of what Romney said, how can a big, fluffy bird that has been a part of everyone’s lives be such a horrible thing. This ad could also be seen as pro-Romney to someone who wants the government to stop subsidizing PBS. This ad is just poking fun at Romney’s statement and making it into a bigger problem than it should be. I applaud the Obama campaign on trying to make a satirical ad, but it ended up just coming back to bite them in the butt. Although it was hilarious to see Big Bird be vilified, this ad was not liked by the owners of Sesame Street and they have asked for it to be pulled. Even though this ad was great, it should have been left to a comedy show to use, like SNL, Stewart, or Colbert. It clearly makes a point and all the while attacks Romney, but it has not been properly used and therefore is receiving much negativity (also this is something that the presidential candidates should be debating.) If you haven’t seen it you need to. Here is the link. Enjoy 🙂

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