Daily Archives: November 29, 2012

Candles and too much vanilla

The week before break I was walking around in my building and got a brief smell of what seemed to be vanilla scented candles. Immediately my head was filled with memories of when my mom made a couple hundred candles for one of her friend’s weddings. A few minutes later I called my mom and we had decided that over Thanksgiving break we would make candles.

This seemed pretty easy at first. All I thought I need was some wax and vanilla oils. I had completely forgotten something to hold the candle, a wick, a thermometer, and the fact that I needed an oven to get everything done effectively. After a quick stop in Michael’s my mom and I were ready to start. We first got one of our pots out that we use for soup and began to put our one pound of solid wax in for it to melt. It needed to get up to 180 so that we could add the dye and then we had to wait until it dropped down to 125 before you could even add the vanilla scent. This took much longer than expected, I ended up waiting for a good thirty minutes to wait for everything to get to the necessary temperature and then I was finally able to pour my hot wax into the containers. In the spirit of the season, my mom and I found some $1 tin cans and mugs at Michael’s that were decorated with snowmen and penguins. We decided on these, got four, and it turns out that one pound of wax would only fit in two of the containers. Of course I had to wait many more hours before the wax cooled off and in the morning I got to see my final result. From a distance, the candles looked cool. They were a light green color and really matched the Christmasy spirit. But once I got near it, it smelled horrible. I had ended up putting too much of the vanilla oil into the hot wax. It ended up giving it a pungent vanilla scent. Anyways, after letting them air out for a bit in the wind, I smelled one again and it was a little better but not great. Anyways, it was really fun to make the candles and it is relatively easy, just be careful when you’re adding your scent!

My fear of iMovie is officially gone!

Before our workshop on how to figure out how to work iMovie, I was kind of freaking out. None of the members in my group knew how to operate iMovie. So after going to the workshop I felt much better. Once I learned all of the aspects of it I became more interested in making the video. Personally my favorite part of it was adding sounds to the clips. I added a frog noise clip while the girl was talking and I thought it was the funniest thing. Anyways, I feel like this project is a great way for us to get more creative with our video capabilities. I mean, we are the generation of technology, so the fact that a lot of us didn’t know how to use iMovie kind of surprised me. I thought I was going to be the only one who had no idea what it was. I think for my group we will be able to incorporate various interviews, while also using images and data from the internet. Also, I think we’ll be able to appeal to the pathos of the audience by simply incorporating some sad sounding song into our video, similar to the Sarah McLaughlin video for the ASPCA. Clearly we have an interesting topic that provides a lot of good information and I think by using iMovie we will be able to get a message across very easily given the tools that are present.

Child Soldiers: a strong topic

With my groups topic being child soldiers there is a lot of ways in which we can appeal to the audience. The first thought that came to my mind was the idea of using a sad song in the background of the video. This would immediately establish a certain connotation with the idea of child soldiers and would also show how it is a controversial topic. Plus, using children is an automatic way to ensure that you audience will be subject to some pathetic appeal. Because, I mean who wants to hear that kids have to fight other kids and even kill them because they do not know better. And clearly, this is a relevant topic as previously in the year the whole Kony business hit the press for a couple of weeks and faded, but it clearly is something that many, if not most, people do not support.  Although the Kony project didn’t live up to its expectations, there have to be other movements out there that are trying to prevent and stop the future of child soldiers. This also would be beneficial for our video. Anyways, our topic is very solid in my opinion and there is a lot of info available because this topic is current and relevant.