Throughout our lives we are all in pursuit of one main objective: Happiness. Happiness can have many different meanings, but I believe that true happiness is defined as being successful by loving what you do on a daily basis. So many people are successful in this world, but at the same time are often miserable because they hate what they do. Many people always say the same exact thing: Ah, I have to go to work today. We are truly happy if we are instead saying “I am so happy I get to go to work today”. Just changing one simple word from “have” to “get” makes all the difference in our lives. I survey on states that 50% of people hate their job. This needs to change if we are all going to reach our true happiness in our lives. Let’s talk about why it is that so many people are unhappy with what they do for a living.
Unfair Pay
Many people are unhappy with their job because of their underwhelming pay. Many people believe money will buy them happiness and try to do anything they can to make the biggest bucks. But does it really buy happiness? Why live a miserable life throughout your career just to make a large amount of money that you won’t even know how to spend later in your life. Many people are afraid to do what they love because they don’t want to make less money than their peers. Our society should strive to work in an industry that interests them, not that pays the most money. Money is something, but not everything. If you are doing something you genuinely enjoy, it won’t feel like “work” all the time and you will be able to put your best foot forward because you happen to be so passionate about it.
Employees constantly being overworked has also been a prime example of why people hate their jobs. Being overworked is a direct correlation to workers trying to get a raise in pay. Why work overtime in something you don’t enjoy and have a passion for? This comes back to theme that we need to stop constantly chasing money. Money will come over time, we have to prioritize enjoying what we do so we can grow and feel satisfied with what we are doing. If that means working less hours but actually coming into work every morning with a smile on your face, it’s a fair trade.
Overall, our society needs to stop chasing money when we are pursuing happiness. I encourage you to choose a career you are interested in and our passionate about, that way you can put your best foot forward and enjoy what you do, even if it means taking a pay cut. Happiness is making a living by doing what you truly love to do. Go out there and find your true passion and give it everything you have, and I promise you will go very far. Society needs to develop this mindset so we can live in an ideal world where most people are happy and satisfied with their lives.