Microsoft Word: Putting Font Styles to Work

Microsoft Word has a feature that a lot of us don’t use in the name of saving time. However, clicking on the Font Styles to format your document can actually save you time in the long run.

If Font Styles are new to you, here are the basics. Styles allows you to quickly change font attributes in a way that matches the colors and design of your document. You can find the styles on the Home tab.

Styles menu

Styles menu

Highlight the text you want to change and then hover over one of the options in the Style menu. You will see a preview of how the text will look when the Style is applied.

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One benefit of utilizing the Styles options is in document navigation. Using the Headings options will place invisible markers throughout your document. You can see where they are in the Navigation Pane. (Activate the Navigation Pane on the View ribbon. Locate the Show group, and then check the box next to Navigation Pane.

The Navigation Pane uses the Heading Styles to create a "map" of your document. This can allow you to easily find information.

The Navigation Pane, left, uses the Heading Styles to create a “map” of your document. This can allow you to easily find information.

Clicking on words in the Navigation Pane will take you to that section of your document.