Create a Template and Schedule Zoom Meetings Fast!

If you find yourself setting a lot of Zoom meetings, you may notice that you use the same settings again and again.

Settings like enabling join before host, muting participants upon entry, or creating a waiting room can be set and then saved as a template for scheduling future meetings.

First, create your meeting

To get started, go to the Penn State Zoom website. Sign in, and you should be directed to the Meetings area of your account. (If not, click on Meetings in the left navigation menu.)

Click Schedule a New Meeting.

schedule a new meeting button in the Zoom interface

Zoom image

Then, select the settings you want to apply to your template. 

Click Save.

Then look for a blue link toward the bottom of the page to Save as a Meeting Template.

Save as a Meeting Template

Zoom image

Name the meeting in the dialog box that appears.

Save As Meeting Template

NCTS image

Then, click Save as Template

Ready to schedule from your template?

After your template is created, you can use it to schedule your next meeting.

To do so, go to the PSU Zoom web portal. Click Meetings and then Schedule a Meeting.

You will see a new option to use a template when scheduling. Choose the template from the drop-down box.

select a template

NCTS image

Both basic and advanced Zoom settings will copy to your new meeting.

Click Save to schedule your meeting.