Canvas: Third-Party Learning Tools – Your Input is Needed

The Penn State Canvas team is gathering information on which third-party learning tools faculty and staff would like to be able to use in the Learning Management System. These applications include integrations from textbook publishers, participation tools, assessments, and others.

Those interested in providing input on which tools can do so via a form at  Faculty and staff will need to provide the team with the name of the tool and whether it is known to work with the Canvas LMS. A list of functional integrations with Canvas can be found in the Edu App Center at

According to the Canvas team, “All submissions will be reviewed, vetted and prioritized by the LMS Academic Transition Steering Committee and the Canvas Project Team.” The results of this process will be added to the goals of Tier 3 in the Canvas integration process, slated to be addressed in 2017.

A listing of current PSU Canvas integrations and their status can be found at