Category Archives: Engineering IT News

ANGEL Group Space Ending – Where to Go Now

Users of the Groups feature in ANGEL have some options to choose from as we transition to Canvas as the Learning Management System at the university.

The ANGEL Groups feature functions differently than the Groups feature in Canvas, and ITS Training Services has identified four options to use in the future. New ANGEL Groups can be created until June 30, 2017, and all access to ANGEL Groups will end Oct. 31, 2017.

Alternatives to ANGEL Groups

  •      Box ( file storage; file and note sharing; collaboration (including collaborative note editing via Box Notes and Microsoft Office Online)
  •      Yammer ( file storage; group conversations in activity streams; file and note sharing; collaborative note editing; polling
  •      Sites at Penn State ( file storage; content sharing and collaboration (including blogs and web pages)
  •      Qualtrics ( surveys and polling

For guidance in choosing an alternative, you can access a table comparing these options at

The Canvas project team is working to create space in Canvas that will be comparable to ANGEL Group space for academic purposes such as study groups and co-curricular activities. This alternative is targeted for completion by June 30, 2017.

Box: Repackaged with New User Interface

The Box file sharing application shipped out a truckload of new user features today. According to Box, these features include both major and minor changes to the interface.

One of the first things you may notice when logging into is the lighter colors. But, Box made changes to many other areas of the website including major improvements like an upgraded search and better options for collaboration and sharing to minor changes such as adjustments to the shared link settings and changes to how your folders and files are viewed.

Take a look at some of the highlights of the new Box experience in this video.

Canvas: COE Offering a Helping Hand in Transition

Penn State is in the process of phasing out the ANGEL Learning Management System and welcoming Canvas as its successor. To assist in the transition process, the College of Engineering has a variety of opportunities and resources available to you.

Quick Start Training

The College has developed a hands-on workshop to assist faculty in moving their courses from ANGEL to Canvas. The workshop provides a small group-style session with the opportunity to quickly learn the basics of Canvas.

One session remains in the Fall 2016 semester: Nov. 7 from 1 – 4 p.m. More sessions will be scheduled for the Spring 2017 semester. Use the registration link below to be notified when new sessions are added.

Canvas Quick Start sessions are held in the College of Engineering Training Lab (153J Hammond). Space is limited and RSVPs are required via the COE Canvas training registration page.

Canvas Work Sessions

Need to get to work on your course in Canvas but think you might need a hand along the way? The training staff will be available at these times so you can work at your own pace with help close at hand:

  • November 2: 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
  • November 10: 10:00 a.m. – noon
  • November 14: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.

All work sessions are held in the College of Engineering Training Lab (153J Hammond). RSVPs are not required, but you can send the training team an email to let them know any specific questions or concerns you have ahead of time.

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October & November COE Canvas Support

The College of Engineering has many resources available for those making the switch to Canvas.

COE Quick Start Trainings

The College has developed a hands-on workshop to assist faculty in moving their courses from ANGEL to Canvas. The workshop provides a small group style session with the opportunity to quickly learn the basics of Canvas.

These session are held in the College of Engineering Training Lab (153J Hammond). Spaces are limited and are available on a first-come basis.

  • Oct. 20 – 9am-12pm
  • Oct. 25 – 1pm-4pm
  • Nov. 7 – 1pm-4pm

Register for one of these sessions at –

COE Self-Guided Quick Start to Canvas

COE Self-Guided Quick Start: This is the online version of our workshop. It’s self-paced and available 24/7. It’s a great place to begin your training and to reference specific Canvas topics.

Canvas Work Sessions

Need to get to work on your course in Canvas, but think you might need a hand along the way? The COE Training Lab (153J Hammond) and the training staff will be available at the following times. Work at your own pace with help close at hand!

  • Oct. 21 – 1:30pm-3:30pm
  • Oct. 24 – 10am-12pm
  • Nov. 2 – 1:30pm-3:30pm
  • Nov. 10 – 10am-12pm
  • Nov. 14 – 1:30-4:30

For more resources – Visit the COE Canvas Resources site. Contact the COE Training Services team at or your Canvas Liasions – Tom Litzinger, Meg Handley or Vikki Gearhart.

COE Canvas Transition

The transition from Angel to Canvas is upon us.   All courses must be transitioned to canvas by fall 2017 and the college of engineering has a variety of opportunities and resources to assist with this transition.  The Canvas learning management system provides great technology and resources to improve the delivery of teaching and learning.  The transition can be easy by utilizing the COE and University resources and support.

The College of Engineering Canvas Liaisons are available to assist with the process. We’ve put together an introductory training session to help you get to work right away. We will continue to develop additional support as needed.

Visit our COE Canvas Transition site to learn more.

If you’re ready to hop in and get started on your own, here are a few resources you might find helpful.