Tag Archives: Microsoft Outlook

Outlook: Make Quick Work of Repetitive Tasks

Do you find yourself performing the same action again and again in Outlook?
Maybe it is filing a message or perhaps you frequently forward a message to a colleague.
Save clicks and keystrokes with Quick Steps.

Quick Steps are found in the center of the ribbon on the Home tab.

Quick Steps in Outlook

Quick Steps can be found in the middle of the Home tab.

There are some Quick Steps that are pre-programmed for you. We are going to create a new one.
Click on Create New.
A dialog box appears.

Edit Quick Step dialog box

Create your personalized Quick Step.

From here, you can choose your action. For this example, we will mark the email as read.

Mark as Read

You can also add an additional action, such as moving the email to a folder.
Click on Add Action to select an additional action for Outlook to perform. This example shows Move to Folder and then gives the option to select the folder.

Move to Folder

We can save this Quick Step, or we can further customize it.

For this example, I will rename it and also change the icon that displays on the Outlook ribbon.

Choose an Icon dialogue box

You can also create a Shortcut and customize the Tooltip for the Quick Step.

Shortcut Key and Tooltip


Outlook 2016: Attachments are Less Arduous

Attaching files in an email is easier than ever in Outlook 2016.

The newest version of Microsoft’s mail client is more responsive to how many people work, with Outlook 2016 providing quick access to recent documents. The easier attachment feature is based on the premise that a file you want to send is likely something you have worked on recently.The feature is visible when clicking on Attach File. You can find Attach File in the Include group on either the Message ribbon or the Insert ribbon.

To see the feature, you only need to click on Attach File. You can find Attach File in the Include group on either the Message ribbon or the Insert ribbon.

Outllook Attachment arrow

After the drop-down opens, simply click the item you would like to attach. Then, compose your email as usual.


Working with Multiple Calendars in Outlook

If you ever work with several calendars in Outlook, then you know it can be a challenge to keep everything straight.

There is a way to allow you to see all of your calendars (or those you share with colleagues) at the same time.

With two calendars open, a small arrow will appear next to the name of one of them.  By clicking on this arrow, the calendars merge.  Outlook merge calendar 1.fwIn this view, you can see conflicts, free days, and much more very easily.

To see only one calendar, click the arrow next to the calendar you wish to remove from your view.  Outlook merge calendar 2.fwOr, to close it entirely, click the “X.”


Microsoft Outlook: Scheduling Resources/Rooms

Microsoft Outlook is a very handy tool to schedule the use of conference rooms, equipment, or other shared resources.

1.      Open Outlook and select Calendar from the Navigation panel.

2.      Select New Meeting from the top left corner.


3.      Using the To Field  to invite colleagues to the meeting.

4.      Select the Date and Time you’d like to reserve. Continue reading