Team Swag Introduction for Hawk Mountain 3/7/2015

Hello everyone! This is just an introductory post to give everyone an idea of who our group is, our mission for this project, and a little about each member here at the Penn State Berks campus.

James Unell is a sophomore studying Security and Risk Analysis from Orwigsburg, Pennsylvannia.

Nathan Faust is a sophomore studying Information Sciences and Technology from Orwigsburg, Pennsylvannia.

Leif Greiss is a sophomore studying Journalism from Hamburg, Pennsylvannia.

Phillip Kondracki is a sophomore studying Marketing from Coatesville, Pennsylvannia.

Our group has chosen to work with the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary to build a zip line path around the mountain. We will also be cleaning the already established paths as spring comes closer and the snow melts. Our team has a lot of enthusiasm going into this project and we hope to make a difference in our community, one project at a time. We are also researching new and greener methods of fracking in our surrounding areas and presenting them to our fellow friends and community.  We will continue to post on the website as the project moves along. Thank you for your time!

– Team Swag

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