Earth’s Avengers (Blue marsh Lake)

Hello everyone, today I will be giving you a brief introduction on Earth’s Avengers. This post will allow to get to know each individual in the group and their super powers (Strengths). This Post will also provide insight on our upcoming project. The group is made of four Penn State Berks Students : Faith , Salimatou , Katie and Travonne.

Faith is our Liaison. Faith’s super power is being able to communicate effectively to any individual he encounters.Faith is a senior at Penn State Berks campus majoring in Accounting. Faith is involved in many things , one of them being African Student Union. Faith’s has a huge passion for his native country, and plans to be involved in helping there once he graduates.

Salimatou is the youngest of the Group. Her super power is being able to record and update information daily , allowing you all to monitor our progress. She is a freshman and a applied psychology major. Salimatoy is someone who enjoys helping the environment because she believes in value for all things living or nonliving.

Katie is another African Student Union member on Penn state Berks. Her super power is most crucial , she is able to generate ideas for us to use in our project. She is also able to brainstorm the most effective solution to approach any situation that may occur. Katie is an environment lover and recycles daily.

I am Travonne. My super power is having super strength. I handle the dirty work for my team. I am Sophomore an Penn State berks and a business marketing major. I have been apart of environment friendly programs since high school and believe on continuing to help create a better society.

Together our mission is to better society one small step at a time. Our current objective is assist in the trail tours at blue march lake.The trail tours require minor training and a well dedicated staff. As we proceed , we will continually update this page to keep everyone informed.

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