Food Avengers

Hi guys! So our group has come up with the name of Food Avengers.

Caterin Zabala: Cat is currently a junior. She is majoring in Business Management. She decided to take BiSci because she wanted to be aware of the problems that are happening in the environment and wanted a chance to help her community.

Olivia Johnson: Olive is a freshman majoring in English/History. Her hometown in Cheltedhom, PA. She is extremely interested in BIsci.

Jakin Lett: Professional Writing major. Really excited to involve himself in the FRN because it will give him the chance to help his community.

Brianna Varano: Currently, a sophomore and is from Philadelphia, PA. She is majoring in communications. She wanted to know more about how humanity is affecting the environment.

Manvi Chopra: Currently a senior majoring in business management/marketing. FRN will be a great way to give back to the community and get everyone involved.


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