Earth Huggers’ First Blue Marsh Experience

Earth Huggers’ decided to take action on Saturday March 28th, 2015. We all decided to meet at Penn State Berks and head down to Blue Marsh to meet with our guide Kathy.

Kathy gave us the details of our role on the Nature Oak Trail and laid out the task before us. Our mission was to yank out huge road ties lining the trails. These road ties were trail guides and to prevent natural erosion. However, the fear of natural erosion is no longer there and these road ties were beginning to rot or rotted out already. This created a hazard for nature enthusiasts and families enjoying the trail. This is where Earth Huggers comes in to play. As a group we came in to the mission with high spirits and a can do attitude. We quickly got to work and soon a pile of rotten road ties was began to stack up at the entrance of the trail. As a group we can not wait to go back to Blue Marsh and finish the task or be assigned a new task.

The experience was unique and allowed our group members to show that Earth Huggers’ is a team working towards a goal, instead of individuals working towards a goal.

Earth Huggers’ will begin researching the negative environmental effects of road salt soon.

Please stay updated with Earth Huggers’ and stay aware of your effects on the surrounding environment

Roadties at Blue Marsh Ty and Joselin! Earth Huggers

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