Tour in the Control Tower of Blue Marsh Lake on April 7

Last Friday we met with Kathy for our second meeting. By the time we got there, it was pouring and we were unable to work in the garden. Then, Kathy introduced us a manager of the control tower of Blue Marsh Lake. He taught us a history lesson about Blue March Lake and shows us how the control tower works and how he is able to control  the water level of the lake.

The manager

The manager

The control tower

The control tower

Showing us how the control tower works

Showing us how the control tower works

The size of the gate

The size of the gate

Showing us how the gate works

Showing us how the gate works

Spiral stair

Spiral stair


Power switch for the gate

Power switch for the gate

The pillar of the gate

The pillar of the gate

Different water level's water

Different water level’s water

After the tour of the control tower, the rain stopped. We picked up tools and went to the Sensory Traiil to fix the broken trail rope. It required teamwork!!!

Untie the rope to tie a new one

Untie the rope to tie a new one

Tightening the rope

Tightening the rope










Use lighter to melt the rope

Use lighter to melt the rope so it will be firm






















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