Earth Day Presentation (Sailor Moon) 4/29/2015




On the day of Earth day presentation

Because of the weather, we changed our place of presentation to the Gaige building. In the hallway, people can see a lot of post boards created by several groups. They all have important missions to complete, and they presented the contents about the missions to every one. We all have the same purpose: Love our planet.

The Team Sailor Moon sets up the table with attractive post board. Guess what the special gift is? It is skittles! We offer visitors skittle to eat. Depending on what color they pick, they will do one thing, which is from the section “What can You do” on our post board, correspond to the color. One visitor, a pretty little girl, came to our presentation and picked a red skittle. From the poster board, the corresponding red bullet point states: “Supervise someone who does not finish their foods”. This means that you need to tell the person, who left their foods, to finish their plates! Cannot make it to the presentation? Don’t worry, here are the lists that you can do to reduce food wastes! Try to pick a skittle and find the corresponding one on the following list:

  • Supervise someone who did not finish their food
  • Learn more about food waste, hunger, and poverty
  • Eat as much as you can, and do not waste the food
  • Don’t get too many foods if you cannot finish them
  • Save the rest of the food and recycle them yourself
  • Donate one of your meals to the local food bank, or simply, poor people
  • Spread the words to your friends and family about food recovery
  • Try to have one meal for one day to experience the hunger from which 805 million undernourished people had suffered
  • Have one post about food recovery and food waste on your social network
  • View one video about food waste on YouTube
  • Spend one day to work directly with poor people, or being a volunteer of the food bank



See how much you can do? Team Sailor Moon believes that you can do a lot more than this! Beside this, every visitor can learn about our project by looking through our poster, and talking to our members. We talked about our missions and our research on clean energy. It has been a great experience on Earth day presentation!

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