The Impact of Solid Waste & Possible Solutions (Team CEA) 12/1/15

As our team has continued our research on environmental waste, we have found some very concerning issues that occur as a result of the waste we dump into landfills. We found out that when different types of waste are continually dumped into landfills, the trash releases greenhouse gases into the air. One of those gases, being methane, which is even more harmful to the environment than Carbon Dioxide. Although this information feels extremely concerning, there is still hope! There are steps everyone can take to help prevent further harm to our environment. One of these steps include, (as obvious as it may sound) simply reducing the amount of trash we are throwing away and in general trying to use less. We can also continue to recycle as much material as possible and reuse items whenever we can. While researching we found that there are actually companies out there that have the mission of reducing other large scale companies’ waste! This is a great step in the right direction to protecting our environment!

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