Toasty Brick Squad Team Profile

The Toasty Brick Squad consist of four elite members all bringing a different unique skill to the table. The members include Adam Schmidt, Neel Athia, Ryan Richards, and Nassor Burke. Adam Schmidt is business major looking to pursue a career in corporate law, he also enjoys playing soccer, basketball and lifting weights. The second member is Neel Athia who is double majoring in IST and SRA looking to pursue a career in the field of IT consulting, he also enjoys playing and watching sports he also enjoys working with computers. The third member is Ryan Richards who is an  Information Science and Technology (IST) major with a Security and Risk Analysis (SRA) minor who is in pursuit in a career in networking. He enjoys fishing and playing baseball. Nassor Burke is an accounting major, who enjoys playing basketball and video games.  We all are passionate about the environment and want to take steps toward make the Earth a  greener and cleaner place to live


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