Left to Right: Damian, Chelsea, Alanna
Greetings from The “Bee” Team!
Here is some information about our team members!
Chelsea Watts
Hello! I am a sophomore Professional Writing major with a minor in Global Studies at Berks. I have always been a huge environmental advocate. I spend a lot of time backpacking, kayaking, canoeing, and just about anything else that will get me outside! I have learned a lot about environmental preservation through programs such as Leave No Trace, however most of what I have learned has been very specific to places I have been, such as the John Muir Trail in California. I am very excited to start our EACAP project and learn more about our local environment.
Damian Mace
Hello everyone, I am a sophomore Business major in the Financial Services Option with a minor in Entrepreneurship at Penn State Berks! From an early age I have always loved being outside! I’ve been playing baseball since I could hit a wiffle ball in my own backyard and that is what implanted my love for the outdoors. The preservation and cleanliness of the environment is very important to me. I’m a big advocate on proper recycling and anti-littering because I feel that everyone is capable of doing these things relatively easily. Getting involved within our local communities with the EACAP project is a great opportunity for the students at Penn State Berks to get more involved in helping and understanding the environment!
Alanna Oese
Hello! My name is Alanna Oese and I am a sophomore Applied Psychology major at Penn State Berks. I am an animal lover and spent three years working at an animal hospital because of my love for animals. Along with helping animals, I enjoy protecting and cleaning the environment. I know that if I want to continue going on trips such as camping, hiking, and boating than I must preserve the environment. In high school I was involved in the environmental club which participated in many different projects that preserved the environment. I believe that the EACAP project will give me a chance to really give back to the environment and protect it for the future generations. Also, it will give me a chance to obtain more knowledge about the environment.
I hope you can post your presentation on the blog soon! I enjoyed it a lot. Your team really looked like they had a good time doing this project.
This was a really cool and well done project!