Glenside Elementary School Update

After a long awaited time Glenside has contacted our Books and Beyond EACAP group and confirmed our partnership for this project. Our group is very excited to begin working with Glenside. Now we can begin brainstorming ideas for our environmental issue. Since we have just begun brainstorming we do not have too many ideas yet. Our top ideas as of right now are littering and recycling. We plan to meet with the representative of Glenside very soon to discuss more specifics regarding this project. We will also begin meeting outside of class in order to get a head start on the project.


This has been an update by Ryan Pratzner, member of Books and Beyond. Have a lovely day.

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One Comment

  1. I am working at Glenside on the garden. I think your topic of recycling and littering is a good topic. We can probably incorporate the garden and these topics with each other and talk about the environment.

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