A quick update… – Environmental Avengers (April 5, 2016)

Hi everyone,

We have been working very hard to obtain research about Nature Deficit Disorder to complete our EACAP research paper which focuses on human beings, especially children, spending less time outdoors resulting in a wide range of behavioral problems. We have also just finalized the service we will be performing! We will be bird feeder preparing kits consisting of pine cones, seeds, and nuts to give to all the kids in pre-k through 3rd grade to take home and make bird feeders. They will take these kits home and complete them by adding peanut butter to the pine cone and sticking seeds and nuts to the peanut butter. We hope that all the kids will hang up the pine cone bird feeders somewhere outside. We will also prepare a worksheet for the kids to complete about what they observed with their bird feeders, i.e. what kind of birds came to the bird feeder. We also want to make a little poster for each class so the kids can bring in any pictures of where they hung the bird feeder or any bird that came to visit. From here on out, we will make and deliver the kits/worksheet/poster to the kids and continue to work on our research about Nature Deficit Disorder.

Keep checking back for further updates!

-The Environmental Avengers

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