Posters/Earth Day- Best Day Squad (4/21/16)

Hello all! This is Natalie reporting back after our poster presentations from Tuesday. We all sat in the Gaige building lobby and set up our poster board which is pictured below. It was a lot of hard work, but it came together really well! We had the opportunity to talk to people passing by about our work, and it was great just to get the awareness out there. It was also a lot fun seeing the other teams’ projects. Everyone has worked so hard and come up with some amazing ideas. Also, a lot of the community service projects are outstanding. We got into some great discussion with the Bee Team, and I highly recommend checking out their project if you haven’t. Also, tomorrow is Earth Day! It’s gonna be an amazing day filled with tons of environmental activities, and you’ll see us out and about leading activities. We’ve also made some really neat brochures that will tell you all about everyday objects that harm the environment and some alternatives for a better world. So, stop by and pick one up! We’ll see you there!bisci poster

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