Final Post for Flower Power (May 2, 2016)

As we wrap up the end of the semester, we wanted to reflect on what we did as a team. We began with plenty of ideas on how to use recyclable items for students at Glenside Elementary School to create crafts from. We then wanted to build something for their garden. After finding wood pallets at the back of a hardware store, we created a bench and a chalkboard that were put into the garden. Building these items out of pallets saved money, but also recycled wood that could have been thrown out or wasted. Two of our three team members participated in the Glenside school environmental club. This club gets students involved with hands on learning of gardening and the environment. We will be returning to help the environmental club on Wednesday, May 4th.

We also did our research paper and presentation on waste. Our presentation can be found in the following link: Flower Power EACAP Project . Completing research about this topic made us all more aware of how big waste is an issue in our environment. Most importantly, this research on waste lead us to find that it’s not so hard to produce less waste. We also learned how to recreate many objects into new things just to reduce our waste, such as using plastic cartons to make bird houses. Our message to others is to make simple and small goals each day or week to reduce less waste. A simple idea, such as making the change to only using a reusable water bottle instead of purchasing plastic water bottles will go a long way. Also, the more you become aware of what you can recycle, the more you will be able to not produce as much waste. We hope to keep continuing our assistance to Glenside Elementary School, and we will soon finish painting our bench and chalk board.

-Team Flower Power

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