The First Step to Change, is to Educate. – Sustainably Green (May 2, 2016)

We walked into this class at the beginning of the semester completely unaware and oblivious to the issues that surround us today or have even surrounded us for centuries. We all cause damage even though we don’t mean to. We get caught up in ourselves and the everyday drama that we fail to acknowledge all the harm we cause on the environment. Sustainably Green’s focus was food waste and we were all disgusted and truly blown away by how overlooked this issue really is. We encourage you to take a couple minutes out of your busy day to learn about the damage that is caused by wasted food and hopefully you will be just as inspired as us to fight against food waste.

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One Comment

  1. This was one of the issues that really sparked my interest. I never knew how much we food we waste when we have so many ways to preserve it. The video was also a very nice touch to this post.

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