Wrapping Up – Books and Beyond (May 2, 2016)

The past few weeks have been busy for our Books and Beyond team. We were able to finally place our painted pots around the Glenside Garden and add the soil and seeds to them. Hopefully the seeds will grow into beautiful flowers for the kids grow and see. Also my group presented in the Gaige building with our poster “Native or Naw”. We invited students and passerby’s to play in our game that we developed. They had to guess if the pictures of the plants were an invasive species or native. It was very interesting to hear the students try to guess them. It has been wonderful working with Glenside and also seeing the other students put in huge amounts of effort and dedication to their EACAP projects. It is now time for the our team “Books and Beyond”, to turn a new page in our lives, and take our knowledge of the environment to places beyond this class.





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  1. Oh cool! I wish I could’ve seen your poster when you displayed it, that’s a brilliant idea!

  2. Ha, the “Native or Naw” game was cool, added a cool sort of element to the project, made it more memorable. Looking back, it really makes your project stand out. Was interesting how little I knew about the native plants in the area.

  3. I’m happy that you guys got your potted plants set up in the school finally. It was a really good thing you guys did. Hopefully it will teach the kids more about plants and the need to protect them and the Earth.

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