Ocean Pollution Research

My Squash decided to do research on ocean pollution and how it affects the environment.  We, as a team, came up with some great websites to do the research and then worked to find the research individually.  It is all on a collective document so everyone on our team knows what we are researching.  The main topic is about plastic in the ocean, how it affects the animals, and how it changes the environment.  Another topic is how it builds up and created the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the ocean.

A turtle is caught in a fishnet trap. The Rainbow Warrior is in the Mediterranean for a three month expedition "Defending Our Mediterranean". Greenpeace is calling for the creation of marine reserves in the Mediterranean Sea, as part of a global network covering 40% of our seas and oceans.

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One Comment

  1. Angelena C Certaine

    Great way to work individually but still keep everyone informed.

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