Team Gaia’s Final Post

We are finally here with our final post and reflection on our progress as Team Gaia. We definitely learned a lot working on this topic and learned that if we want a bright and healthy future for the next generations we NEED to take action and start finding healthy ways to co exist on earth as far as waste goes. Seeing how we currently have 5 trillion plastic waste in the ocean was eye opening and shows how its OUR responsibility to recycle and reuse whatever we have or at least change our lifestyle waste to not produce so much pollution. We had fun learning everything we did and despite a few bumps in the road we came together and had an awesome presentation. We especially enjoyed making the Recycling video skit which will be posted on the Penn State Berks site once its all finished. Ultimately we can all do a little something to help make the environment and our oceans healthier. Team Gaia out!

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  1. Angelena C Certaine

    You guys skit was amazing. Informative and entertaining. Great job!

  2. Samuel David Marks

    I thought your skit was great! You guys did a good job with your presentation and I like how you included a call to action in this post.

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