The River Skooks are Excited to Get Started!

We are excited to begin working along side the Schuylkill River National & State Heritage Area!  Our project consists of mapping out connections to the Schuylkill River trail in Reading, PA. Our team members include Kyle, Dan, Jordan, and Tom.  Kyle is a third year accounting major who likes to go to the Penn State football games.  Jordan is also a third year accounting major who enjoys spending her free time hiking in the woods with her dog.  Dan, who is a fourth year criminal justice major, likes to watch the Philadelphia 76ers.  Tom is a third year marketing and management major who is a member of the SGA and likes to play basketball with his friends.

We recently talked to Robert Folwell, the trails project manager of the Schuyulkill River & State Heritage Area this past Wednesday.  We hope to finish our project by the first week of November because it will be getting colder outside and hinder our abilities to map the trail.


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One Comment

  1. Good post- I look forward to having you share more about your service project with SRHA!

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