Flower Beds On Their Way!!

It’s been a long and rather frustrating couple of days for the Glenside Villagers. Our Cement Cinder Blocks (the barrier to the flower beds) were suppose to be delivered on Tuesday the 14th. However, due to a mix up by Lowe’s, the blocks were not delivered on time. As upsetting as this was because we all wanted to get started on our project, we collaborated with Glenside and set up a new delivery date for today, the 16th. TODAY WENT GREAT! The delivery of our 80 cement cinder blocks were delivered around 11:30 today. We waited on site to greet the delivery man and begin unloading all 80 blocks. Sosa and Matt were able to carry two cinder blocks at a time, while Krissy and I stuck with our one at a time.

This was a lot more challenging than originally expected. You’d think putting cinder blocks on the ground and stacking them would be a simple process. However, when you’re dealing with an uneven ground so much so that they’re practically on a hill, it makes the task a lot more challenging. We had to make sure each individual block was a consistent 2 feet from the shed before placing down the next block. We also had to make sure we were choosing the block that best fit in with the others, as no cinder block is exactly alike.

New problem, we realized we weren’t going to have enough cinder blocks to outline the entire area we would’ve liked to. To fix this issue, we pushed the cinder blocks surrounding the shed door back further, allowing the door to swing open more. Unfortunately, this still left us with short 3 cinder blocks.

Although, there were many frustrations and obstacles to over come during this task, we are very proud of our finished project! The outline of the flower bed is perfect and nearly flawless! It was a good feeling to see how much we were able to accomplish in a little over 3 hours.

By the way: the artwork done by the other team looks amazing!

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  1. I am sorry to hear that you had to run into so many issues. I understand how frustrating that can be. But I am glad that you guys got it all sort out and were able to finish your project. I personally saw your final project and it looked like you put a lot of efforts. Plus, thanks to you leaving some cinder blocks, I was able to paint the shed in the high points. Good job!

  2. That is a shame that you ran into so many issues, while attempting to complete this project. I enjoyed your presentation of your service project in class today. I think it is important that you gave back to elementary school students in an educational way. Great job!

  3. Lilliana Lee Williams

    I’m sorry that you ran into so many issues! I’m sure that your final project looks amazing and that the school really appreciates what you did!

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